Monday, January 15, 2007

Nominet UK

Nominet UK is the Registry for all UK domain names ending (those that end in .uk). Prior
to its creation UK registrations were administered by the Naming Committee.

Nominet started registering Domain Names on the 1st August 1996 and is now officially recognised by the UK Government as the manager of the .uk TLD.

The members of Nominet, are normally domain name registrars, web hosting outfits and ISP's participate in the running of the UK registry. Once you join Nominet you can join in a mailing list called nom-steer, and submit proposals to the Policy Advisory Board.

Whilst it is perfectly possible to purchase UK domain names from Nominet this will be expensive. Nominet do not proactively sell domain name registrations, but provide impartial advice and support on registering and maintaining UK domain names.

Members of Nominet get a substantial discount on the cost of domain names which is currently set at £5.00.

Nominet encourages all stakeholders to get involved in .uk policy development and you can find out more about this through the work of our Policy Advisory Board here.

The PAB doesn't govern Nominet as such, for one thing it only meets every few months and
has been quite a lot of members to make this impractical. Like a normal company it is the role
of the Board of Directors to run the business, but they consult with the PAB on major issue's such as the "trade" price of, and domains. It is up to the members to determine their own pricing of the domains.

Nominet also operates a Dispute Resolution Service that attempts to resolve domain name disputes which has recently attracted some controversy amongst the domaining community.

Nominet takes the privacy of the domain name registrant very seriously and have taken legal action against a number of companies who have attempted to mine the Nominet database, for the purpose of spam or selling services such as domain name registration.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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